Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Gagurgle Cometh

Oh wow,
Some time has passed indeed. Much has transpired, and the details that have already been forgotten will more than likely outweigh the details that will make it into this post.
The Skinny: I'm a professional comic book illustrator, full-time, all or nothing. Which is the dream, right?
So there's that. Here's a detail. I was working at a tutoring center. I was tutoring the phone at the desk. Admittedly I wasn't particularly good at it. Stuffing myself into a strict, formatted environment with papers to be filed, phone calls to be answered, formalities to be respected. A great time for some. Me, however? I believe history will be my judge, and the verdict on this case is a resounding "Nay".
So it goes. Rambling across the continents, carving stories out of graphite, ink and paper, saying really clever things, crafting really amazing concepts and Earth shaking theories straight from the ether with nothing but my keen intellect and finely tuned brainworks. That's more my speed, give or take an elaboration or two. It was fun while it...hmm, it was something...of time...spent.
No matter, for as I've already announced, I got a gig drawing a funny book just as the tutoring center's subscription to Rahb Weekly was canceled.
Oh, the name of the book is S.O.A.R. It'll be on the shelves in mid to late August. It's written by Patrick Sessoms. And it rocks. The PR is fermenting at the moment, as we're not sure which publisher will be gracing the comic book community with our gift yet. It'll wither be a big one, or a small one, but rest assured, it'll be there waiting for you in yer local comic shop come August.
And I have just finished the cover to another book I was asked to draw for a guy across the drink, a Mr. Daniel Bowen. A book called the Astral Projecting Assassin. The interiors are smooth, and the cover is one of my best. I'll stick 'em on here somewhere, once I'm done feeding me ego with this epistle.
So there's that now.
And one other detail. Our lease is up at the end of July. I'm not sure what the hell's gonna happen then. I guess that's about all I can say worth hearing at the moment. I'll report more later. What I can say is I have a solid plan of being an Austrian in hiding in the next four months.
And that's all realy. I'm sore there's more, but distractions are slipping into the stream and I'm finding it harder to stay focused on the past while the present is asking for some attention.
So, until next time,
